The sense of the contemporary art. Starting out from the work of Jean- Luc Nancy



Published 02-02-2015
Daniel Alvaro


During the last two decades, it was patent the emergency of novels aesthetic reflections. This irruption results inseparable of the open dispute re- garding the contemporary artistic creations. The ma- jority of the authors that have theorized about such dispute in the last two decades have seen them- selves compelled to answer on art, to think and to say what art is. In this work I propose to analyze the perspective adopted by Jean-Luc Nancy. The analysis is articulated around four issues on which Nancy goes back over and over again in his texts on art: the sense of the expression "contemporary art", the plurality of arts, the difference between the sensitive sense and the intelligible sense, and the figures of the fragment, the vestige and the gesture.

How to Cite

Alvaro, D. (2015) “The sense of the contemporary art. Starting out from the work of Jean- Luc Nancy”, Ars Bilduma, (5). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.9963.


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Jean-Luc Nancy, contemporary art, sin- gular-plural, sense(s)
