Análisis victimológico de la violencia de género: un ejemplo a través de los datos de la Oficina de Asistencia a las Víctimas del Delito de La Rioja
This paper aims to criminologically analyze gender violence in La Rioja from the perspective of crime victims and from the data obtained by the Crime Victim Assistance Office of La Rioja. In order to contextualize and give meaning to these data, the legal framework and the functions of the Office are also presented.
Objective data regarding the victim and also the aggressor are analyzed, which allow establishing an analysis in temporal evolution through the interdisciplinary intervention that characterizes this public service, such as age, nationality, type of relationship, years of coexistence, …; In order to get it, the concept of gender violence used is that contemplated in Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28, on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence.
An exhaustive analysis of several indicators related to gender violence is carried out, as a result of the explorations carried out with the female victims within the interdisciplinary intervention carried out by the service.
This study has been developed within the framework of the Project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation "The criminal protection of vulnerable people: analysis of criminological realities and substantive proposals of "lege data and de lege ferenda" (REF: PID2020-116407RB-I00). It has also been possible thanks to the help of the Instituto de Estudios Riojanos.
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