Autoeraketa exijentea kooperatiben potentziala



Published 22-04-2015
Ainhoa Larrañaga


Cooperatives are relevant social structures to face the crisis, since the power of self-organization is based on the responsibility and decision making of coop members. The downfall of Fagor Home Appliances cooperative has highlighted the lights and shades that cooperativism is currently experiencing. In this article we will work on the need to deepen in the demand for self-organization, by means of the democratisation of power and transparency.
In cooperatives, just as it happens in society, there is a need to overcome formal democracy and there is a demand to transition to a more participatory democracy, in order not to be restrained to just a legal framework.
There has been a manipulation of information and this is a way to monopolise power, since by refusing transparent information to the people, these are denied knowledge and the right to decide. We propose to measure the perception of transparent communication carried out by the cooperative.

How to Cite

Larrañaga, A. (2015). Autoeraketa exijentea kooperatiben potentziala. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social.
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