The experience of job distribution during the recession: the case of Gipuzkoa, redefining the social economy
We are currently faced with an unequal distribution of employment opportunities, which has led to a rethinking of the Employment Sharing measures, as a means of reallocating in a balanced way job opportunities really available to all jobseekers. This involves: rearranging working time, leading to a new work distribution; adapting a greater number of working people to this new time of work; ensuring quality of employment and wages; and protecting quality of life and well-being of working people. Nowadays we recognize two types of measures that contribute to distribution of employment: On the one hand, measures of pure distribution, creating new employment; on the other, distribution measures in order to maintain existing employment. All of them classified into four main sections on the Map of Measures for the Distribution of Employment we have designed. In this article we present what these measures are and how they have been applied in organizations in Gipuzkoa from 2008 to 2014, highlighting the case of the social economy and the gender point of view.
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Bengoetxea Alkorta, Aitor; Villafáñez Pérez, Itziar (2020). «Euskadiko Kooperatiben Lege berria», GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca de Economía Social, 17, 197-224. (
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