The Concept and Evolution of Volunteering in Spanish Regulations



Published 11-01-2023
Maria Begoña Villarroya Lequericaonandia


This paper examines some aspects of the legislation on volunteering, concretely, this concept that is included in the Volunteer Law (Title I "Of volunteering").

To do this, it begins with the definition and delimitation of this term trying to know the fundamental aspects that make this figure, then, it sees its historical background and its legislative evolution in Spain, the national Legislation is studied trying to know the causes of the changes that have taken place. Subsequently, it takes place a comparison between the different autonomic regulations, in order to try to know the legislative differences between the different communities.

How to Cite

Villarroya Lequericaonandia, M. B. (2023). The Concept and Evolution of Volunteering in Spanish Regulations. GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca De Economía Social, (19).
Abstract 288 | PDF (Español) Downloads 349

