Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The text should be unpublished and not be presented for publication with any other media outlet.
- El texto cumple los requisitos estilísticos, bibliográficos y de formato y extensión establecidos en las directrices para autores y autoras.
- The text must make use of non-sexist language.
Author Guidelines
The Board of Editors will look at all manuscripts sent and which are related to the journal’s purpose. The texts should be unpublished and not be presented for publication with any other media outlet.
Manuscripts should be sent via the journal’s website ( or by email to the address Correspondence will be carried out with one of the signatories of the article (the first author, unless otherwise stated), giving acknowledgement of receipt of the manuscript sent.
In order for the articles received to undergo the assessment process, they should meet all the Cuadernos de Trabajo Hegoa publishing requirements. The goal of the assessment process is to choose the highest quality texts. This process includes an initial selection by the Board of Editors and a later revision by an expert member of the Editorial Committee or one appointed by this body, and will eventually include peer review. The Board of Editors will notify the article author/s regarding acceptance, need for revision or rejection of the manuscript.
Authors are urged to revise the wording of their texts and the terminology used carefully, avoiding confusing constructions and excessively specialized jargon. The text must make use of non-sexist language.
The text is to be presented in Spanish, Basque or English, in Arial no. 12, and should be approximately 30,000 words long (about 60 pages of DIN-A4 size), without counting bibliographical references, a section that is to be no longer than seven pages. Notes are to be given as footnotes, in Arial no. 10 and should be numbered correlatively with superscript Arabic numerals. Manuscripts are to be delivered in doc (Microsoft Office Word) or odt (OpenOffice Writer) format.
No underlining or bold is to be used, except in titles, which should be in bold and size 14, numbered according to the pattern 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 2... If the writer wishes to highlight a particular sentence or word in the text, italics should be used.
The texts sent should show, on the first page and preceding the title, the author or authors with this information: name, surname(s), email address and institutional affiliation or workplace. The submission should also include an abstract of the text, in English, as well as a maximum of five keywords that are representative of the article’s content.
Figures, tables, graphs and maps included should be integral parts of the text, duly ordered by type, and with a source identified. Their titles should be appropriate and expressive of the content. If colours are used, it is asked that the figures also be sent in greyscale and that the lines be differentiated through the use of different symbols or types of line. All of them should also be sent independently in one of these formats: pdf, xls (Microsoft Office Excel) or ods (OpenOffice Calc). In the case of graphs, files should be sent containing the baseline data.
Mathematical formulae are to be numbered, when the author considers this to be necessary, with Arabic numerals in brackets, to the right of the formula. All mathematical formulae, along with any other symbols appearing in the text, should be sent in pdf format.
Bibliographical references will be included in the text with a parenthesis indicating the surname of the author followed (after a comma) by the year of publication (distinguishing a, b, c, etc. in correlative order from the oldest to the most recent in cases when the author has more than one work cited from a single year) and, if necessary, page number.
(Keck and Sikkink, 1998)
(Keck and Sikkink, 1998; Dobbs et al., 1973)
Note: et al. to be used in the case of three or more authors.
(Goodhand, 2006: 103)
(FAO, 2009a: 11; 2010b: 4)
(Watkins and Von Braun, 2003: 8-17; Oxfam, 2004: 10)
At the end of the text a complete bibliographical list is to be included, with a list in alphabetical order of the authors written in the following forms, depending on whether the work is a journal article, book or book chapter. If necessary, the date of the first edition or of the original version is to be included in parenthesis at the end.
Journal article:
SCHIMDT, Vivien (2008): "La democracia en Europa", Papeles, 100, 87-108.
BUSH, Ray (2010): "Food Riots: Poverty, Power and Protest", Journal of Agrarian Change, 10(1), 119-129.
AGUILERA, Federico (2008), La nueva economía del agua, CIP-Ecosocial y Los libros de la catarata, Madrid.
LARRAÑAGA, Mertxe and JUBETO, Yolanda (eds.) (2011): La cooperación y el desarrollo humano local. Retos desde la equidad de género y la participación social, Hegoa, Bilbao.
Book chapter:
CHIAPPERO-MARTINETTI, Enrica (2003): "Unpaid work and household well-being", in PICCHIO, Antonella (ed.): Unpaid Work and the Economy, Routledge, London, 122-156.
MINEAR, Larry (1999): "Learning the Lessons of Coordination", in CAHILL, Kevin (ed.): A Framework for Survival. Health, Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance in Conflicts and Disasters, Routledge, New York and London, 298-316.
In the case of resources taken from a website, the information is to be cited according to whether the source is a book, book chapter, journal or newspaper article. The date of electronic publication is to be included; the date when the citation was taken is to be given in parenthesis; and the URL is to be given between < >, preceded by the words “available at”. For example:
FMI (2007): "Declaración de una misión del personal técnico del FMI en Nicaragua", in Comunicado de Prensa, num. 07/93, 11 May 2007 (consulted 8 August 2007), available at: < htm>.
OCDE (2001): The DAC Guidelines: Helping Prevent Violent Conflict, Development Assistance Committee (DAC), Paris (consulted 10 September 2010), available at: <>
When an acronym or abbreviation is used for the first time, its complete equivalent will first be stated, followed by the acronym or abbreviation that will later be used, in parenthesis.
Copyright Notice
All articles published in Cuadernos de Trabajo Hegoa are under the following Creative Commons licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The author or authors of the article must expressly accept the licence.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses displayed in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stipulated in it and will not be given to third parties or provided for use for any other purpose.
The following link connects to the privacy policy of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).