Law studies in the frustrated projets for the creation of a University in the Kingdom of Navarre (1546-1807)



Published 28-05-2024
Roldán Jimeno Aranguren


This article analyses the different projects promoted by the Cortes of Navarre in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries to create a university in the kingdom. We will focus particularly on the proposals made to introduce the degrees of Canons and Law. All the projects failed both for economic reasons and because of the frontal opposition to them from the Benedictine University of Iratxe, where the two law degrees were taught. In addition to these reasons, in the 18th century, the Monarchy itself rejected them outright. The lack of a university in the kingdom and the fact that the University of Iratxe granted degrees without teaching meant that many Navarrese jurists had to be trained in foreign universities.

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History of the University, Courts of Navarre, Degrees in canons and law, University of Iratxe, University of Pamplona
