The reforms of the New Legal Code (1975-2019)



Published 06-06-2024
Ana Clara Villanueva Latorre


The Compilation of Civil Law of Navarre or New Legal Code was the last of the texts on regional or special private law to come into existence. Since its enactment, in 1973, up until last year, 2019, it was only subject to what could be considered a «reform» in 1987 in order to adapt to the Constitution. From then on, the Navarre legislator, despite being aware of the need to carry out a comprehensive reform, used the technique of the special laws to regulate specific matters, and those mainly relating to family law, which should have been included in its text. It is thus possible to state that Navarre civil law has been distanced from social reality. And it can also be said that the main aim of the reform introduced by the Regional Law 21/2019, of 4 April, amending and updating the Compilation of Regional Civil Law of Navarre or the New Legal Code, was to open up and bring the text closer to the reality of the private relations of the citizens of Navarre.

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Reforms of the New Legal Code, Regional civil law of Navarre, Navarre social reality
