From sabre-rattling to the jubilation of the Markets: the LOAPA (Autonomy Process Harmonisation Act) seen from the perspective of the extraordinary harmonisations of today



Published 13-06-2024
René Javier Santamaría Arinas


This paper examines the future impact that the draft Autonomy Process Harmonisation Act (Ley Orgánica de Armonización del Proceso Autonómico or LOAPA) would have on the State of the Autonomies and Constitutional Court Ruling 76/1983, which would prevent it from being approved as a law. The doctrine therein reflects the conflict between equality and diversity regulations and the harmonising laws set forth in article 105.3 of the Constitution. And it contains elements that can be compared with the subsequent praxis that led to harmonisation in other ways at a time of crisis, when the state legislator seems to have been seduced by the new de facto power of the Markets.

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State of the Autonomies, LOAPA, Harmonisation laws, equality and diversity regulations, Political unity and market unity
