The pre-autonomous system in Navarre. The events and ideas in the first stage of the Transition in Navarre (1976-1979)



Published 14-06-2024
Fernando Mikelarena Peña


The change from an authoritarian to a constitutional political system occurred throughout the state in a process known as the Transition, which spanned the period after the dictator’s death until the enactment of the Constitution. As far as a political and administrative decentralization system was concerned, provisional pre-autonomy systems were established during this period. In Navarre it was necessary for the Fueros, or historical rights to self-government, the Regional Government and the Regional Administrative Council, administrative and economic government institutions, to develop into a democratic assembly and government as a preliminary step to implementing the new constitutional system of the autonomous State.

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Transition, Navarra, Fueros, Historical rights, Institutional democratization
