The visits ad limina in the Diocese of Pamplona (1585-1725)
Since Sixtus V institutionalized ad limina in 1585, the bishops of the Diocese of Pamplona had to comply with a series of visits every four years, including the preparation of a report (relatio) to inform the Holy See of the physical and spiritual state of their diocese. In 1725, the Roman Curia introduced the first significant change in the institution, including the concepts that the bishops should include in their reports in an outline. Given this significant change, we present this study on the visits made in the Diocese of Pamplona from 1585 to 1725. Under the governing framework of each bishop, the study analyses the procedural iter of each visit in detail as well as those that were not made for various reasons and circumstances.
Diocese of Pamplona, Visit ad limina, Canonical visitation, Procedural iter, Sacred Congregation, Compliance with the visit