Institutional transformation of Navarre (1778-1841)



Published 18-06-2024
Rodrigo Rodríguez Garraza


Not only the regime of the Illustration but also the Illustrated Despotism, especially with Godoy, consolidate attacks to navarre constitutional system that, even with the Hapsburgs, were carried out. During the war of Independence, both Navarre and the Basque provinces, are involved in a vindication of their historical constitutions, as we can already see in the deliberations that took place on the occasion of the Statute of Bayonne. The offensive against navarre regime continues for Ferdinand VII´s two restorations, without observing a major rift with the liberal regimens´ performance, both of 1820-1823 and from 1833 and 1836. From here, it radicalizes the effort to destroy the basque and navarre foral system that only mitigate, with greater or lesser success, the attempts to transaction, with a course longer than the time-frame established here, and that, in the case of Navarre, culminated in 1841.

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Enlightened despotism, Godoy, Restoration of Ferdinand VII, Basque and Navarre autonomous Law, Basque-navarre Confederate Constitution (1838), Transaction projects, Law of 16 August 1841
