Constitution, «fueros» and democracy. Motivations, discourses and political attitudes with regard to the permanence or abolition of the basque-navarre «fueros»
The «foral law question» implies a political and intellectual controversy of long course that it is essential to understand the evolution of the own Basque and Spanish contemporary identity. The text studies, from this perspective, several discourses and attitudes about the permanence and suppression of basquenavarre «fueros» manifested from the first critical illustrated, and that are associated to the different projects of construction of the new State from 1833 to 1876. The development of the debate shows the centrality of «fueros» in the struggle between the conceptions of a plural Spain and a singular Spain, defended both from different political-ideological assumptions.
Constitution, Basque autonomous Law, Liberalism, Democracy, Federalism, Carlism, Basque country, Navarre, Spain, 19th century