The drafting of the Law of 25 October 1839



Published 18-06-2024
Gregorio Monreal Zia


On August 31, 1839 was signed in Bergara an agreement between generals Espartero and Maroto ended the Carlist War with a commitment for the recognition of the Basque “Fueros”. For this purpose immediately the Madrid Government introduced in the courts a draft law that provisionally confirmed charters but with the obligation to submit another modification further Bill to adapt them to the Constitution of 1837. The Government project, in the absence of the Executive’s majority in the House, was altered in Committee and subsequently amended in a more severe way by a group of Deputies. As well and all, as a result of the development of the debate in the plenary, the Government managed to preserve the essence of the initial project, albeit with the added that the confirmation of the charters would be made «without prejudice to the constitutional unit». The Law was enacted on October 25, 1839.

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Convention of Bergara, Basque autonomous Law, Spanish Constitution of 1837, Congress, Senate, Law of 25 October 1839
