Correspondence between Philip II of Castile (IV of Navarre) and Fernando de Espinosa, governor of the citadel of Pamplona (1570-1587)



Published 19-06-2024
Roldán Jimeno Aranguren


Correspondence is collected by King Phillip II of Castile (IV of Navarre) with Fernando de Espinosa, governor of the citadel of Pamplona, between 1570 and 1587. It reflects issues related to the warden’s own personal vicissitudes, his relations with the viceroy, the construction and organization of the citadel, the security, spy and surveillance of the border, and economic difficulties to cope with the fort’s works’ and and soldiers’ cost.

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King’s army, Navarre, Philip II of Castile and IV of Navarre, Fernando de Espinosa, Citadel of Pamplona, XVI Century
