Plurinationality’s Constitutional Law
The theme of our time is the appreciation of identity as a priori fundamental rights. While there are multiple poles of identification, the chief of these is nowadays, the national community that can be defined as the will to live together because there are objective reasons for this. That is nations can not be invented. The ferment of the modern version, the principle of nationalities is the growing awareness of these objective factors establishing identity. This principle has two formulations. A radical one that identify nation and state, and another one which is for pro-multinational states. Solely with this second it examines three pairs of categories: universitas ordinata and inordinata, as society is composed of social bodies or individuals; large quantities, capable of measurement and division, and intense, likely to be felt, recognition (of a life differentiated) and autonomy on the decentralization of decisions. From these categories we analyze three models of treatment of plurinationality: federalism, symmetrical or asymmetrical; state’s fragments and ways of collaboration between the parts of a divided nation.
Constitutional Law, Constitution of Spain, Statutes of Autonomy, Plurinationality, Nationalities, Identity