The Council (Junta) of Avellaneda during the Ancient Regime



Published 22-06-2024
Fernando Martínez Rueda


The Junta of Avellaneda was the representative assembly of the Las Encartaciones district during the Ancient Regime. In this work we analyse this institution first from a synchronic perspective, observing which was its formal functioning, its functions and its representation system between the 16th 18th centuries. We also focus our attention on the evolution of the Council of Avellaneda Turing the modern centuries until its final disappearance in 1806. This evolution shows the vitality of Las Encartaciones as a singular political entity during the modern age as well as its crisis and disappearance in the early contemporary era, in favour of full integration within the Seignory of Bizkaia and the strengthening of the provincial entity.

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History, Institutions, Representative Assemblies, Bizkaia, Encartaciones, Council of Avellaneda, Modern age
