Municipalities in the Statutory Community of Navarre. History, tradition and principies
The medieval local regime was adapted to that derived from liberal uniformity as from the 1841 Law and, later on, from that derived of the Municipal Statute in the Royal Decree dated 4* November 1925. Both norms recognised a hierarchy for the Diputations over municipalities that took shape in the form of numerous acts of control, including the revisión of municipalities' decisions by means of administrative action. The Regulation of the 1928 Municipal Administration was the code that regulated local life in which all the maintained historical peculiarities were reflected. This Regulation reflected the submission of local life to the superior authority of the Diputation. Based on Article 46 of the Navarran Law Regulating Statutory Action, a new regime based on the constitutional concept of local autonomy was established, regulated by Statutory Law 6/1990, dated 2nd July.
Municipality, Statutory Community of Navarre, Contemporary History, Statutory Diputation of Navarre, Local Regime