No. 15 (2018): 15th Symposium of Historical and Autonomy Law of Vasconia: The Shield of the most constant faith and loyalty of Biscay and his time.

Published: 01-12-2018


A reading between the lines of the book Escudo de la más constante fe y lealtad

Jon Arrieta Alberdi
Abstract 34 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

Page 9-45

Pedro de Fontecha y Salazar (1673-1753): a traditional lawyer

Juan José Laborda
Abstract 52 | PDF (Español) Downloads 12

Page 47-67

The Basque language in the times of Pedro de Fontecha y Salazar

Juan Madariaga Orbea
Abstract 19 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 123-162

Imperialisation of the monarchy and the foral system at the end of the 18th century

José María Portillo
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 195-217



La mujer religiosa en Bizkaia durante los siglos XVI-XVIII, de Nere Jone Intxaustegi

Inmaculada Fernández Arrillaga
Abstract 23 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 381-383


Creación de la Sociedad Española de Historia del Derecho

Manuel A. Bermejo Castrillo
Abstract 28 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

Page 387-388