No. 10 (2013): 11th Symposium on Historical and Autonomy Law of Vasconia: From foral self-government to constitutional autonomy (1876-1936)

Published: 01-12-2013


The Constitution of 1876 and the Territorial Organization of the State

Joaquín Varela Suanzes-Carpegna
Abstract 24 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

Page 11-37

Evolution of the Economic Agreements and Treaties up to 1936: A Comparative View

Mikel Aranburu Urtasun
Abstract 15 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5

Page 219-278

The Constitution of 1931 and the Territorial Organization of the State

Joaquín Varela Suanzes-Carpegna
Abstract 16 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 323-354

Navarre between the Basque Statute and a Unique Statute for Navarre

Fernando Mikelarena Peña
Abstract 19 | PDF (Español) Downloads 11

Page 395-459

After the Failure of Estella: Patterns and Key Aspects of the Statute of 1936

Ludger Mees
Abstract 23 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 461-490

Page 491-513

Brief Note on Some Family Models in the First Three Centuries of the Roman Empire

Rosa Mentxaka Elexpe
Abstract 26 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 517-542

Pyrenean family: a state of the question

Jacques Poumarède; Mª Iranzu Rico Arrastia
Abstract 15 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

Page 543-556

Family and property in the Pyrennes from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century

Jacques Poumarède; Mª Iranzu Rico Arrastia
Abstract 20 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 557-572

Page 597-634

The Navarre Home (A Propos of Laws 48 and 75 of the New Charter of Navarre)

Elsa Sabater Bayle
Abstract 19 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 635-658


The Bye-Laws of the Chancery of Valladolid (1531): Castilian Bye-Laws for Navarre?

Mª Rosa Ayerbe Iríbar
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 17

Page 671-758


Cádiz a contrapelo. 1812-1978: dos constituciones en entredicho, de Miguel Herrero de Miñón

Juan-Cruz Alli Aranguren
Abstract 14 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5

Page 768-790

Giving Birth to Cosmopolis. The Code of Laws of Estella (c. 1076), de Xabier Irujo

Roldán Jimeno Aranguren
Abstract 16 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 791-793

La idea de historia en Arturo Campión, de Emilio Majuelo Gil

Roldán Jimeno Aranguren
Abstract 13 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5

Page 794-797

In memoriam

En memoria de Demetrio Loperena Rota (1956-2013)

José Manuel Castells Arteche
Abstract 15 | PSF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 799-802