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Vera-Bachmann, Daniela, Universidad Austral de Chile, Puerto Montt
Verdugo, Laura, University of Cádiz
Vergara, Rodrigo C.
Verónica-Paoloni, Paola, UNiversidad de Río Cuarto. Córdoba.
Verschaffel, Lieven, University of Leuven
Vicent, María, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Viciana, Jesús , Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Granada
Vieiro, P.
Vieiro Iglesias, P.
Viguer, P.
Viladrich, Carme
Villa Gómez, Félix
Villardón-Gallego, Lourdes, Universidad de Deusto
Villardón-Gallego, Lourdes, Universidad de Deusto
Villaroel, José Domingo
Villasana, Mercedes, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Viñuela-Hernández, María-Paulina , Universidad de Oviedo
Vitoria Gallastegi, José Ramón
Vizcarra, M. Teresa
Vizcarra Morales, Mª Teresa
Vizcarra Morales, María Teresa, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)


Wallhead, Tristan , University of Wyoming
Wang, Fong-Jia , Tam Kang University
Wentzel, Kathryn, University of Maryland


Yang, Weipeng , S.R. Nathan School of Human Development, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Yániz, Concepción, Universidad de Deusto
Yeung, Jerf W. K., Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
Yousofi, Nouroddin , Assistant Professor in Language Education, Razi University
Yubero, Santiago, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha


Zacarés, J.J.

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