The forgiveness of the offended party as a mechanism for the resolution of violent crimes in Biscay at the end of the Old Regime (1766-1841)



Published 12-01-2022
Andrea Grande Pascual


In the European society of the Old Regime it was common to resolve all kinds of conflicts, even criminal ones, outside the courts. Through the study ofvarious judicial processes in which the offended party granted his pardon in exchange for cer- tain compensation, the main characteristics of theseinfrajudicial practices will be exposed.

How to Cite

Grande Pascual, Andrea. 2022. “The Forgiveness of the Offended Party As a Mechanism for the Resolution of Violent Crimes in Biscay at the End of the Old Regime (1766-1841)”. Clio & Crimen. Revista Del Centro De Historia Del Crimen De Durango, no. 18 (January).
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Infrajustice, Criminal justice, Forgiveness, Old Regime, Bizkaia
