Without forgiveness and capital punishment: the pilgrimage of bones in the Portuguese Misericórdias of the Early Modern Age
Maria Marta Lobo de Araujo
Alexandra Esteves
Our work analyzes those sentenced to death, demonstrating the assistance of the Misericordias at various times. We highlight the performance of the assist- ance of theseconfraternities to poor prisoners, but we focus on the study when those sentenced to death were preparing to die and in the collection of their bones. We are concerned withanalyzing the functioning of Justice in the period under analysis, as well as giving visibility to the rituals that the Misericórdias performed whenever the condemned to death died and waited for mercy.
How to Cite
Lobo de Araujo, Maria Marta, and Alexandra Esteves. 2022. “Without Forgiveness and Capital Punishment: The Pilgrimage of Bones in the Portuguese Misericórdias of the Early Modern Age”. Clio & Crimen. Revista Del Centro De Historia Del Crimen De Durango, no. 18 (January). https://doi.org/10.1387/clio-crimen.23293.
Without forgiveness, Death, Mercy, Procession of bones
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