IKD: Teaching & Learning Higher Education Model for the xxist Century



Published 18-07-2014
Itziar Alkorta Idiakez


IKD, cooperative and dynamic learning (http://www.ikasketa-berrikuntza.ehu.es/p272-shikdhm/es/) is our innovative teaching and learning model based on: 1. effective alliance between teaching and learning innovation and Quality Assurance (QA) processes fostered by the unification in 2009 of both policies in a solid and well established structure with a senior leadership; 2. using existing experience from EFQM based QA systems in place from 1999 on; 3. introducing educational innovation and QA through staff development and evaluation processes; 4. empowering local Committees responsible for QA in which effective participation of staff and students is fostered; 5. monitoring the curriculum development process through key performance indicators negotiated with all the Faculties, making outcomes publicly available; 6. no financial constraints of the programs in place.

How to Cite

Alkorta Idiakez, I. (2014). IKD: Teaching & Learning Higher Education Model for the xxist Century. Fabrikart, (10). Retrieved from https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Fabrikart/article/view/12493
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