Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Aragon
A lichen catalogue (including some non lichenized, corticolous fungi) and lichenicolous fungi of Aragón has been made. Near 1600 different taxa have been studied and we have named 1420 species or smaller category taxa. We propose the next 15 new species: Arthonia lobothalliae sp. nov. on Lobothallia alphoplaca; Arthonia navasiana sp. nov. on Lepraria cf. nivalis; Arthonia protoparmeliae sp. nov. on Protoparmelia badia; Cladoniicola irregularis sp. nov. on Diploschistes diacapsis; Dactylospora pyrenaica sp. nov. on Mycobilimbia pilularis and nearest hepaticas; Fulgensia epiplacynthium sp. nov. on Placynthium; Lichenochora monegrina sp. nov. on a terricolous Polyblastia; Lichenothelia spiratispora sp. nov. on Acarospora sphaerospora; Phaeospora squamarinae sp. nov. on Squamarina cartilaginea; Polycoccum nigrosporum sp. nov. on Buellia aethalea; Pronectria toniniae sp. nov. on Toninia sedifolia apothecia; Skyttea gossypina sp. nov. on Phlyctis argena; Stigmidium exasperatum sp. nov. on Melanohalea exasperata apothecia and Wernerella acarosporae sp. nov. on Acarospora nodulosa var. reagens. Furthermore, 36 very interesting species have been found, some of them perhaps new species; 1 is new for Europe, 59 are new to Spain and 438 are new records for Aragon.
Neotypification of Polycoccum alboatrum (Vouaux) Etayo comb. nov., on Diplotomma venustum is also proposed and also the new combinations: Diplotomma cedricola (Werner) Etayo and Platygramme buxi (Etayo) Etayo.
Other species, also collected in Aragon, have been described by the author in recent papers like: Arthonia squamarinae, Sphaerellothecium episquamarinae y Syspastospora cladoniae (Etayo 2008), Arthonia protoparmeliopseos (Etayo & Diederich 2009); Burgoa angulosa (Diederich & Lawrey 2007); Caloplaca epigaea (Søchting et al. 2007), Candelariella boleana (Etayo et al. 2009), Phoma cladoniicola, Ph. foliaceiphila (Diederich et al. 2007), Paralethariicola aspiciliae (Calatayud et al. 2001), etc.