Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The request has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
Author Guidelines
Focus and Scope
Historia Contemporánea is an academic journal which publishes original research on contemporary history, reported in either Spanish or English. All aspects of contemporary history are considered for pub- lication, as well as timely book reviews.
Initial Submissions
Papers must be submitted via the OJS manuscript management sys- tem at: You may need to register if you. are a first-time user, and they must complete all the requested infor- mation.
Authors should initially submit two different documents, using Micro- soft Word, or OpenOffice formats.
- Authors Details: Title, full names of all authors, including insti- tutional affiliations (institution, city, country), ORCID ID, short (less of 150 words) CV’s, e-mail addresses. Funding bodies and acknowledgements will be also
- Manuscript: Title, 4-6 keywords, and abstract of less than 150 words (all three in Spanish and English). Extension of text: between 8,000-12,000 words, including notes, pictures, graphics and
No item that does not meet all these requirements will be sent for evaluation.
Any article whose author (collective or individual) has published another text in the Journal during the previous two years will not be accepted for evaluation.
Authors are informed that their manuscripts may be subjected to pla- giarism assessment using the Similarity Check system.
Evaluation system
The Editorial Board of Historia Contemporánea will carry out a preliminary review of the received manuscripts within a maximum pe- riod of one month from their reception, which may be rejected for not being adequate for content or presentation to the requirements of the journal.
The system of evaluation is based upon anonymous external refe- rees, using a double-blind system (anonymous for both the referees and the author). Once one manuscript is accepted for evaluation, it will be sent at least to two referees who will inform about the text, using a spe- cific form provided by the journal. The referees cannot belong in any case to the journal EditorialBoard.
The Editorial Board, after studying the referees’ reports, will make a decision, within a maximum of six months after reception, on the publication of the manuscript. The author will receive a detailed let- ter with the reasons to accept, reject or ask for a revised version of the text.
The final publication of articles requiring changes will depend on the introduction of such changes in the text. The final decision on publication corresponds, in any case, to the Editorial Board.
Once a paper has been accepted for publication, it must be care- fully formatted in accordance with the Formal requirements and re- submitted for publishing.
Formal requirements
The articles will have an extension of between 8,000 and 12,000 words, including notes, pictures, graphics, bibliography and appendi- ces. They should be presented with a line spacing of 1.5, in Times (Ro- man Times) or 12-point Times and in numbered pages, correlatively and without headings.
The tables, graphics and images should be numbered correlatively, and will be interspersed in the text. They must also have a title that identi- fies them and specifies their origin.
The direct quotations, when they exceed five lines will be indented from the left, single spaced. The author’s intersperses, if necessary, will be bracketed
The references will be placed in footnotes, in a numbered and linked way. They will be used to provide additional data or comments on the content of the text, and to quote abbreviated bibliographical references and archival sources used.
Bibliographical notes will include only the author’s surname, the year of publication and, if necessary, the page (s) precededby commas and
- or pp. For example: Castells, 2001, p. 25. In case there are more than three authors may include only the first one followed by «et al.».
The abbreviated quotations will always be made in the notes, and never in the text.
In the archival sources an abbreviated reference will be made with the initials of the archive or documentation center, and its location reference.
The sources consulted (archives, newspaper archives, documentation center, companies...) will be specified in a separate section before the bib- liography.
The bibliography should appear complete at the end of the article, sorted alphabetically and, for each author, in chronological order, from oldest to most recent, and separated by a line break.
References to books must necessarily include the author’s sur- name (in capital letters), the name or initial (in lowercase), the full ti- tle of the work (in italics), place of publication, publisher and year of publication. Optionally, the edition number, the name of the transla- tor or any other information deemed relevant will be indicated after the title.
Example: SURNAME, Name, Book title, Publisher, Place, year.
References to book chapters should necessarily include the au- thor’s surname (in capital letters), name or initial (in lowercase), the ti- tle of the chapter (in quotation marks), the coordinator / editor and the title of the complete work to which the chapter belongs (in italics), the place of publication, the publisher, the year of publication and the pages it comprises.
Example: SURNAME, Name, «Title of the chapter», in SUR- NAME, Name of coordinator/editor, Title of complete work, Pub- lisher, Place, year, pp. pages of the chapter.
References to journal articles should necessarily include the author’s surname (in capital letters), the name or initial (in lower case), the title of the article (in quotation marks), the name of the journal (in italics), the volume and/or issue of the journal, the date of publication and the pages it comprises.
Example: SURNAME, Name, «Title of the article», Name of the journal, volume, issue, year, pp. pages.
Electronic Resources
Electronic resources should be cited following the basic criteria used to refer bibliographic resources, but some essential variants will be added to properly locate the electronic source. These variants are the type of support, the availability and access and the date of consultation. As far as possible, electronic resources must be referred to the following general model:
MAIN RESPONSIBLE. Title. Secondary person (s). [Media type]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher (Collection), date of publication, date of update or revision. Physical description. Notes. <Availability and access>. [Date of consultation]. Standard number.
Monographic Dossiers
The Historia Contemporánea journal publishes monographic dossiers.
These dossiers will be published in the first number of each year. Their coordinators must send a proposal to the Editorial Board, including a title and justification of its content, between May 1 and 31 of each year.
The proposal must include between four and six articles, indicating their authors, titles of the articles and a summary of each one, according to the general rules of the journal.
The Editorial Board will study the proposals received at its meeting in June of each year, and will select one of them.
The full texts must be delivered within a maximum period of 8 months.
Once approved by the Editorial Board, coordinators will be informed of the schedule, and they will be responsible for meeting deadlines indicated. These texts will be submitted to an evaluation process equal to the rest of the articles received and according to the same standards. After this process, the coordinators will also be responsible for including a presentation to the dossier.
The Dossier will decline if in the evaluation process it is reduced to less than four articles, although those positively evaluated may be published within a miscellaneous number.
Book Reviews and Review Articles
The deadline for receiving proposals books for review will be permanently open exclusively through the platform of the Journal ( The review must include the full details of the book, as well as its reviewer. The book must be dated, at the latest, of the year prior to presentation.
Upon receipt of the review will be presented to the next meeting of the Editorial Board (usually held in mid-February, June and October) to decide on the acceptance or rejection of it. In the first case, it will be published in the next issue of the Journal.
Review Articles may be proposed, in which various publications are analyzed –whose bibliographic data will have to be included– around the same theme. The objective is to study an sphere in which there have been two or more recent editorial developments, and to analyze their contribu- tions to the debate around that area in a broader context. That is why, in the proposal, at least in a synthetic way, it will be necessary to indicate the interest in making that general comment and not only the intrinsic in- terest of the books.
Each review should be preceded by a bibliographical reference of the book reviewed following the following model: SURNAME Name, Title in italics, Publisher, place, year, number of pages. The signature of the author of the review will be included at the end of the same in lower case and italics: Name Surnames.
The reviews must conform to the same rules of style of the articles, although without footnotes, and with an extension that can range between 800 and 1,200 words.
Copyright Notice
Authors publishing in the journal Historia Contemporánea agree to the following terms:
- Authors retain full copyright of their papers, but also grant copyright to the academic publisher (UPV/EHU Press) for the purposes of copyright management, vigilance and protection.
- Papers are by default published with a non-restrictive Creative Commons CC-BY attribution license, which allows others unlimited use and sharing of the paper, on the condition that the authorship, source and corresponding DOI are specified in the vicinity of the reproduced material, for example in the following way:
"from Núñez-Seixas, X.M. (2017). Historia Contemporánea 55: 447-482 (doi: 10.1387/hc.17810)"
- If an author requires a more restricted CC license (e.g. CC-BY-SA), this can be provided by contacting our publisher at:
- In particular, and without having to request additional permission, CC BY licensed papers can be deposited in institutional repositories and academic web sites, or be re-published in books, when the above-mentioned attribution condition is fulfilled.
- Postprints (i.e. accepted but non-edited versions of the manuscript) can also be pre-published online, providing acknowledgement of authorship and source is specified as above.
For non-standard uses of papers or materials published in Historia Contemporánea, please contact our publisher UPV/EHU Press at:
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.