Changes in the consumption of sherries and the taste for them in the United Kingdom and their consequences in the area of production between the mid-eighteenth and the mid-nineteenth centuries



Published 03-09-2014
Javier Maldonado Rosso


The demand for sherries in the United Kingdom (its main market) changed its tendency on two occasions during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries, bringing about on both of them significant economic and technical transformations which shaped contemporary wine agro-industry in the Jerez district. For their part, the features and causes of those changes in tendency can only be understood on the basis of a consideration: that taste and consumption are two different, but related, factors; and that the British wine market was very complex in that period, as evidenced by the business letters between the shipping houses in Jerez and their commercial agents in the United Kingdom.

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agro-industry, wine trade, Spain, Jerez, United Kingdom
