Women and Family on a Private Gentlemanly Capitalism Club. The Shadow of Spanish Casino de Madrid (1836-1923)



Published 30-01-2015
María Zozaya


In xixth Century European gentleman's clubs women were excluded from being members. Therefore, studies on those social spaces have generally ignored women. However, here is repaired that gap from the alterity perspective, revealing their lives and relationship with those clubs. Through the analysis of the Spanish Casino de Madrid, it is shown how women appear on the scene throughout the daily and symbolic life of the Circle. Firstly, Casino members supported the quotidian tasks of women, which concerned mainly household chores, charitable and social events (linked to the social roles of representation, so-called «habitus nobiliar»). Secondly, during the regular social program of the club, when ladies were allowed to enter on the main saloons, just for special occasions. Thirdly, from a symbolic viewpoint, when women were the epicenter of the decorations in the rooms of their last building. From this analysis it can be concluded that members of the club (re-)constructed the place they gave to women in their daily lives; namely that women were essential to the balance in their public lives, which were developed in those clubs.

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gentlemanly capitalism clubs, women, alterity, public sphere, private representation
