The Elimination of Republicans References in the Post-Civil War Francoist Repression in Spain: the Military Trial Against Luis Arráez Martínez, Civil Governor of Málaga



Published 12-04-2016
Pedro Payá López


 This contribution studies the forms of political persecution and annihilation of the enemies after the Spanish Civil War through the analysis of the military trial against a senior official in the Republican Civil administration: the civil Governor Luis Arráez Martínez. More precisely, the article focuses on the study of the social conditions which made possible judicial repression during the Franco Regime and, from this point of view, it explores the contribution of the local authorities to the process of Luis Arráez. In fact, the State was the organizer of the repression with which Franco tried to achieve precise targets as, for example, the political cleansing. All these objectives were at the basis of Franco's uprising in 1936. The author shows that the political repression was based on the local authorities and the neighbors of the victims. All of them played a major role in the development and the success of francoist repressive strategies.

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Spanish Civil War, francoist repression, military trials, local authorities, neighbors, enemy, Luis Arráez Martínez
