The Cinema facing the Contemporaries Memory. History and Memory in Argentina about State Terrorism in two Films by Andrés Di Tella



Published 08-02-2016
Mario Ranalletti


In this work, are analysed two films by the Argentine filmmaker Andrés Di Tella: Montoneros, una historia [Montoneros, a story] (1996) and Prohibido [Forbidden] (1997). The emphasis is put on the narration of recent and traumatic Argentine's history, and on the continuities and ruptures that both films to set out in relation to the construction of an past account, that mostly has responded to different democratic governments and transition process demands. It understand that the cinema, from 1983, it has been the diffusion way most fruitful to the recent Argentine history; in the screens, the past comes has being narrated, debated and reinterpreted by the civil society. The studied movies focused in conflicting topics of Argentine society, as the Peronist guerrilla and the repression in the cultural field during the last military dictatorship (1976-1983):
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