Franco in the Spanish Documentary Cinema



Published 08-02-2016
Magí Crusells


This article considers how the images of the actual person Francisco Franco have been used in two documentary films —Franco; ese hombre (1964, dir. José Luis Sáenz de Heredia) and Caudillo (1975, dir. Basilio Martín Patino)— to constructu, destroy and/or reconstruct some version of a Franco mytih. These two films are natural antitheatrical pairs because of their starkly conflicting conceptions of Franco: as a diviinely chosen, heroic leader; or as a deceptive, calculating tyrant. Franco; ese hombre focuses instead on this heroic public role in Spain's war with Morocco and in the Spanish Civil War. Caudillo has parallels Franco; ese hombre by charting Franco's rise to power, ending with the conclusion of the civil war, but Caudillo critiques to "the man sent by God to save Spain".
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