The «encasillado» in the Restoration elections in Spain: Murcia and the Valencian Region in 1907



Published 09-02-2016
Rosa Ana Gutiérrez Lloret Rafael Zurita Aldeguer


The present study forms part of a research about the general elections in 1907 in Sapin, bases on unpublished documents from, specially, Juan de la Cierva's private archives, Home Secretary in that time. For this reason, we have a bulky, and rich general, and regional information about the political life in the previous weeks before the elections, the «encasillado» and the electoral results of most of the Spanish provinces in 1907. In this study, we have chosen the documents about four provinces, very meaningful because the differences among those. Taking into account those cases, we have made a first analysis of what were «a elections from the top», looking at the relationships, sometimes peaceful, sometimes conflicting between the centre and the periphery. This way, we can understand «the power range» of Spain during the Restoration.
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