The Republican Union Party in the heart of the monarchy. The electoral victory of 1903



Published 04-10-2016
Santiago de Miguel Salanova


This work analyses the Republican victory in the 1903 general election in Madrid with particular emphasis on several issues. Firstly, the mobilization strategies applicated by the political party Unión Republicana. Secondly, the contextual clues that explain the Republican success, as student mobilization in Salamanca in April and the climate of social unrest reached in Madrid. Finally, an exercise in electoral sociology is done by measuring the Republican vote tendencies through a micro-historical perspective. For this task, tally sheets have been used, crossing them with data provided by the municipal register of inhabitants of 1905, being this source essential to understand the socio-professional profile of each area in Madrid.
Abstract 352 | PDF (Español) Downloads 684



Madrid, Republican Union, General Elections, voting behaviour
