Prisoners of GRAPO in a maximum security jail: struggle and resistance in Herrera de la Mancha (1979-1983)



Published 04-10-2016
Eduardo Parra Iñesta


The Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre, GRAPO, were one of the tragic characters of the Spanish Transition. They were born as a left wing of the Spanish Comunist Party, with the name PCE (r), they finally developed a military branch from 1975. After the detentions of their members, because of their activities, the history of GRAPO started to being written from the jail, specially after 1978. In this article we have focused in the experience of the prisioners of GRAPO in the jail of Herrera de la Mancha, the first maximum secutiry jail built in Spain. They were taken there in 1979 because of a penalty, the escape of five comrades in the prison of Zamora, and they lived in the manchegan penitentiary an experienced marked by the fight and the resistance against the penitenciary sistem, as the hunger strike of 1981 in which one of their members died.

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Spanish Transition, GRAPO, Herrera de la Mancha, hunger strikes
