The factory as a space of fight and memory, the case of Bilbao and the Left Bank (1975-1995)



Published 01-10-2018
David Beorlegui


Several investigations have insisted on the importance of the factory in the context of modern societies and have pointed to deindustrialization as a distinctive element of the last quarter of the twentieth century. The article gathers these points of view to address the memory of the labor movement in the city of Bilbao and in the Left Margin of the Ibaizabal and Nervión rivers. Using an oral history methodology, the text analyzes the effects of deindustrialization on the people who participated in the wave of strikes and demonstrations that took place in the area during the last years of the dictatorship, highlighting the role played by the emotions in the conformation of the memory of the labor movement. The euphoria of the demands of the mid-seventies and the growing anxiety before the disappearance of the working world feed on the landscape of industrial ruin and connect the past with the present, giving a retrospective meaning to the memory of the working world in the period studied.

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Working class movement, emotions, memory, deindustrialization.

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