«Experiencies of nation»: Christopher Columbus and the emotional mobilization of the past in Francoist Spain
In 1949 was released the British film Christopher Columbus, showing an indecorous representation of king Ferdinand the Catholic that was angrily contested by the Ferdinand the Catholic Foundation and the Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. At the same time, hundreds of ordinary citizens shown their solidarity and anger sending letters to defend the honour of the king, but also the honour of their country Aragon, and their motherland Spain.
The exceptional nature of these hundreds of letters allow us to analyze how ordinary people in Francoist Spain experienced the nation, examinign the emotional and personal dimension involved in the exaltation both national identity and national past. In the same way, the letters expressed the importance of subnational spaces in shaping the Francoist historical identity, accordingly to the so-called Francoist regionalism.
Francoism, historical culture, nationalization, emotions, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand the Catholic
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