The Roots of the Portuguese Communist Party. The Introduction of Marxist Ideas in Portugal and the Creation of the Portuguese Maximalist Federation
This article is divided into three complementary parts. Firstly, an analysis of the introduction and dissemination of Marxist ideas in Portugal is put forward to assess the dynamics that led to their political territorialisation through the creation of the Portuguese Maximalist Federation (FMP) in 1919. How did these ideas penetrate into the public space and which mechanisms led to their diffusion from the intellectual circles? Secondly, the contents of the newspaper A Bandeira Vermelha are analysed to assess its role in this dissemination and its importance in the subsequent process of the establishment of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) in 1921. What were the main ideas disseminated by the maximalists’ official propaganda body and what was its impact on the spreading of Marxism? Finally, this article puts into perspective the importance of the newspapers O Comunista and Avante! in the dissemination of Marxist ideas and their impact on the complex and lengthy process of the PCP’s Bolshevisation.
Portuguese Communist Party, Portuguese Maximalist Federation, Marxism, Bandeira Vermelha, O Avante, O Comunista.
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