Nicaraguan Refugees and Hondurans displaced during the 80’s



Published 02-02-2021
Elvia Elizabeth Gómez García


This article aims to describe the situation of Nicaraguan refugees settled in the department of El Paraíso, in the east of Honduras, after the Sandinista’s revolution victory in 1979 as well as to stablish the relationship between the emergence of Honduran war-displaced and the Nicaraguan counter-revolutionary settlements in this country.  Honduras became the recipient of refugees coming from the neighbor countries in conflict and also the operations base to counterinsurgency groups which objective was to overthrow the Nicaraguan Sandinist regime. The present work focuses on the documentary analysis and gathering of information by means of interviews. It makes use of primary and secondary sources trying to analyze in depth two fundamental phenomena of this time, the Nicaraguan refugees and the war-displaced.
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Refugees, displaced, ACNUR, Contras

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