Reading and Interpreting the Strike Cycle in Catalonia. The British Consulate in Barcelona, 1931-1933
This article analyses how British Consulate in Barcelona read and interpreted the strike cycle in Catalonia between September 1931 and December 1933. Norman King, who headed a strategic consulate from the London’s perspective, faced one of the Catalonia central topic during the Second Republic. The factual reconstruction was quite accurate. However, the interpretation was conditioned by two main factors: first, the British foreign policy interests and its anti-communist logic; second, a long-term cycle designed by the consulate in Barcelona since 1909 that interpreted worker insurrection in Catalonia as revolutionary. King analysed social conflict in Catalonia from the leading European and Imperial Power point of view. These arguments and findings tried to rectify the really kind Foreign Office perception about Second Republic.
Second Republic, Catalonia, strike cycle, British consulate, Norman King
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