On the Side Here. A Review from Europe of the Tripartite Expedition to Mexico (1861-1862)
The outcome of the Spanish-Franco-British expedition to Mexico in 1861-1862 has often been explained as a consequence of individual decisions, especially those of the Spanish General Juan Prim. However, the withdrawal of the contingent under his command has been foreseen in advance in the guidelines of his Government, presided by Leopoldo O'Donnell and with Saturnino Calderón Collantes as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The three leaders always acted in common agreement, overcoming the material impossibility of fast communication.
The diplomatic correspondence between the several countries involved demonstrates that the Spanish Government did not seek to reconquer Mexico nor – unlike the French Empire – establish a monarchy in that country, but rather to protect its nationals and assert its influence, by combining the display of military force and the political negotiations.
Mexico, Tripartite intervention, 2nd French Empire, Juan Prim, O'Donnell's long Government
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