Narrating the Contention: the Representation of Social Conflict in the Press of the Spanish Second Republic
The social conflicts that broke out during the Second Republic provided one of the main reasons for the dispute in the press. The way of narrating the contention opens lines of research on the capacity of the press to interpret events, model opinions, or represent events in a way that moves and resonates with the experiences and beliefs of your readers. The objective of the article is to analyze if the newspapers made an active interpretation of the events, controlled their own discourses, directed public attention towards grievances or dangers recognized by their readers, and used narrative forms that were moving and persuasive. Framing analysis provides the methodological tool to carry out this study. The empirical basis has been sought in a selection of newspapers with national circulation and different ideological spectrums: ABC, La Época, Ahora, El Heraldo de Madrid, El Socialista, Solidaridad Obrera, Mundo Obrero, and Claridad.
Social Conflict, Frame, Public Opinion, press, Spanish Second Republic
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