Spanish Press and Italian Military Defeats of 1940-1941
In 1940, when Italy entered into the World War, the affinity between Mussolini’s regime and Francoist Spain reached its highest levels. However, the spectacular Fascist military defeats in the autumn-winter of 1940-1941 – in Africa, in Greece and in the Mediterranean Sea – showed the inconsistency of Italian ambitions and aroused obvious perplexities even among the staunchest supporters of Fascism. Therefore, this article will analyse the attitude shown by the Spanish press of that time: a press that, although rigidly controlled by the dictatorship, could not exempt itself from describing Italian failures, and that allows us to glimpse, in its articles, the first doubts and the first unfavourable comments about a regime that – until then – had been an indisputable political and ideological reference model.
Press, Italy, Spain, World War II, Francoism
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