Republican Political Leaders in Exile: Political and Personal Experiences of Diego Martínez Barrio and José Giral Pereira
Sixty years after the death of Martínez Barrio y Giral, we expose their experiences in republican exile with special attention to two variables: political praxis and personal experiences. With this objective, the beginnings of our analysis are situated in his passage to France in February 1939, within the procession that accompanied Manuel Azaña on his departure from Spain. Since then, they began a professional pilgrimage with sensitive coincidences in their first stage: they settled in Mexico and in that country they starred in the restoration of republican institutions. Later they were geographically distant from each other, but close in friendship and in their pure republicanism. Principles that they never renounced, nor their desire to see the Franco regime overthrown and the Republic restored in Spain. His feelings, when not bitterness, at not seeing these goals come true are described in these pages, after consulting unpublished documentation.
Republic, exile, government, Spain, Francoism, United Nations
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