Nazism in the Canary Islands (1932-1945): Organization, Activities, and Disintegration of National Socialism in the Atlantic Archipelago
As Hitler's regime penetrated Germany, National Socialism spread beyond its borders as well. Nazism spread its ideals and organizations to almost every corner of the planet, establishing itself in especially strategic places such as Spain. The Canary archipelago, converted into a prominent location in the Atlantic, received the traces of Nazism from very early on, through the actions deployed by both the Nazi Party and its economic and sociocultural organizations. National Socialism penetrated the growing German colony of the Canary Islands and was especially active during World War II (1939-1945), when its representatives and agents mobilized political, propaganda and persuasive campaigns, as well as intelligence movements, and intimidation activities. The main objective of this article is to analyze the establishment, organization, and progressive disintegration of Nazism in the Canary Islands between 1933 and 1945.
nazism, Canary Islands, Second World War, National Socialism
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