Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The article has not been published, nor has it been previously submitted to another journal or publisher.
- The text complies with the stylistic, bibliographic and formatting requirements set out in the guidelines for authors.
- The instructions in the "Peer review process" section, which can be found in the "Policies" section of the "About" section, have been followed.
- The submission includes the article, the abstract and keywords in the original language, the authorship data, all in accordance with the "Guidelines for authors" section.
- Authors have read and accept the conditions of the journal's Code of Ethics.
Author Guidelines
1. General conditions
-Regarding the prevention of possible bad practices, the authors must guarantee that the submitted works are original and unpublished and must avoid both plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Plagiarism is the presentation of a work of others as their own; the inclusion of phrases, concepts or ideas of others without citing the source or citing incorrectly; the use of literal or paraphrased bibliographic references without indicating the source. Self-plagiarism is the redundant reuse of one’s own work, usually without proper citation. Keep in mind that manuscripts are submitted to plagiarism evaluation processes through the Similarity Check System.
- Articles should not exceed 25 pages in length(Times New Roman, body 12 and single-spaced), as a general rule. Wherever possible, drawings, graphs, figures,tables should be avoided.
- The article must incorporate the author’s ORCID.
- The articles will be accompanied by an abstract in Spanish and English, as well as in Basque when the authors are from the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, with a suggested length of 150 words.
-The articles must include between 3 and 5 keywords (Spanish, English and Basque if the authors have their residence in the Basque Autonomous Community) that provide a quick idea of the content of the work and facilitate its cataloguing.
- The title of the article shall also appear in English.
- The paragraphs and subparagraphs of the article shall be numbered (1. 1. 1; 1.1.1; a) b)).
- The use of inclusive language from a gender equality perspective is recommended.
- To submit an article you must first register as author and then upload the original article in Word format. You can register here by checking the "Author/" box.
-For external peer review using the double-blind method, the documents sent must have no identifying the authors; that is, they must not be signed and the document’s metadata must not mention the authorship (in word 2019: File > Check for problems > inspect document > Inspect > Document properties and personal information > Remove all).
- The length of the bibliographical reviews may not exceed 2000 words. Reviews must have a title in Spanish and English, as well as in Basque when the authors are from the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, the author's name, academic affiliation and country, professional mailing address, e-mail address and ORCID of the author. In order to send the bibliographic review, and as with the submission of articles, you must register as an author and then upload the original file in Word format. The basic rules of style will be the same as those required for articles. Bibliographic reviews will always be evaluated by at least one editor and will be approved by the Editorial Board before publication.
2. Authorship
If the authors' research has been funded, they must mention their source.
All persons who have made a substantive contribution to the work must be listed as authors. The main authorship and order of the authors should be based on the relative weight of the scientific or professional contribution of each, regardless of their status. It must be ensured that the authorship does not omit any of the persons responsible for their work, and that none is added that is not autor, to avoid the scientific malpractice of fictitious authorship. Likewise, the interlocutor guarantees that the text presented is the result of a consensus of all the authors, who have reviewed and approved the final version and who approve the publication.
3. Basic rules of style
- As a general principle, and subject to the following exceptions, the body of the article shall be written in normal text. Therefore, the use of bold, underlined and/or capital words to highlight a concept or idea is rejected.
- Abbreviationand acronyms must be written in capital letters without separating points between them (USA instead of U.S.A ; CCOO instead of CC.OO.; ILO instead of I.L.O. etc.).
- For short textual citations inserted in the body of the text, should be used quotation marks without italics or underlining.
- Extensive bibliographic citations, of more than two lines as a general rule, should be written without quotation mark, in straight letters, a body lower than the normal text, leaving a space above and below and a space of three millimetres towards the margin throughout the paragraph.
- Italics without quotation marks are used for newspaper titles, books, words in a different language in which the article is written, words which are no common accepted, or to highlight a word or expression.
- Words in quotation marks in straight letters, according to the use in everyday language (to express a distance with the literal meaning of the word).
- Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic characters, bearing a concise heading, referring to them in the text as ( table 1, figure 1, etc.).
4. Citation formats and bibliographic references
-The journal Lan Harremanak uses the Harvard style (author-year) for bibliographic citations. The bibliographic citations included in the text will be presented in two ways, depending on the context and the paragraph wording in which they are included:
a) Indicating in parentheses the name of the first author, followed by the year and the page number, for example (White, 1987: 43) or (Guerin et al., 1992: 23-34).
b) Indicating the name of the author and, in parentheses, the year, for example: White (1987) or Guerin et al. (1992).
-Lan Harremanak journal uses the APA (American Psychological Association) style for bibliographical references. They will be included in alphabetical order at the end of the work, and chronologically in the case of several works by the same author. The name of the journals and the title of the books should be in italics. Links to the documents cited may be provided, indicating the date of the last access in brackets. In compliance with equality recommendations, the author should be identified by his/her full name and not only by the initial letter of his/her name.
- Articles in journals:
· Tezanos Tortajada, Jose Felix (1983) "Satisfacción en el trabajo y sociedad industrial: una aproximación al estudio de las actitudes hacia el trabajo de los obreros industriales madrileños", Reis: Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas, 22, 27-52. Available at: (Accessed: 4-3-2019).
- Books:
· Villoria, Manuel and Del Pino, Eloísa (1997) Manual de Gestión de los Recursos Humanos en las Administraciones Públicas. Madrid: Tecnos.
- Book chapters:
· Domínguez, Fernando (1996) "Gestión planificada de Recursos Humanos (Modelo de una empresa multinacional)", in Ordóñez, Miguel (ed.), Modelos y Experiencias Innovadoras en la Gestión de los Recursos Humanos. Barcelona: Gestió 2000, 343-357.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish in the journal "Lan Harremanak" retain full ownership of their articles, without any usage restrictions.
All papers published in the journal "Lan Harremanak" are published Open Access, without any embargo period, by means of a Creative Commons CC-BY license. This permits free and immediate reading by third parties and allows the author to reuse, re-mix and re-publish the work (e.g. re-publish the paper in a new collection, deposit it in an institutional repository or on a personal web page), providing the author and source are fully specified.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.