La aplicación de la normativa sobre prevención de riesgos laborales en las pymes: últimas modificaciones normativas



Published 17-12-2013
Miren Edurne López Rubia


In this work, we will try to analyze the last changes of the Spanish law about Health and Safety at work. These changes are the result of the actions that Spanish Health and Safety Strategy provides to get an objective: the effective observance of the health and safety regulation in the small and medium-sized enterprises. First, we will explain which the actions of the Strategy are. Then, we will analyze the law changes produced by 2009/25 Law and 2013/14 Law. Finally, we will present our doubts about the last changes of the Spanish law about Health and Safety at work.

How to Cite

López Rubia, M. E. (2013). La aplicación de la normativa sobre prevención de riesgos laborales en las pymes: últimas modificaciones normativas. Lan Harremanak, (28).
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