El nuevo modelo normativo de la negociación colectiva. Algunas de sus repercusiones en la CAPV



Published 17-12-2013
Tomás Arrieta Heras


The present article attempts to analyse the essential elements of the new legal frame of the collective bargaining. In this field, the 3/2012 law represents a qualitative leap and includes some alterations that could generate very profound changes in the collective labour relations model both in the short and medium terms. The collective labour relations would change mainly, but not only, with the inclusion of an intentional regulation which would limit the validity of the collective agreements, effecting in a significant way the working conditions collectively agreed. They would also change with the possibility of partially not applying the statutory agreements due to the daily intervention of a tripartite commission when there is no agreement of the parties involved. This article concludes with an approximation to the impact of these regulatory changes in the specific situation of the collective bargaining in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.

How to Cite

Arrieta Heras, T. (2013). El nuevo modelo normativo de la negociación colectiva. Algunas de sus repercusiones en la CAPV. Lan Harremanak, (27). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.10559
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