Tendencias y prácticas innovadoras en inclusión social. Perspectiva internacional



Published 07-07-2014
Joseba Zalakain


The aim of this paper is to identify and describe the main trends in progress in the countries around us which are pursuing policies for social inclusion, as well as outlining some innovative —or at least novel— practices being rolled out in this field. It therefore reviews the main paradigms currently governing inclusion policies, paying particular attention to the prevailing trends in terms of the implementation of minimum income policies, the paradigm of the investor welfare state, schemes setting out to "recapitalise" the poor, the independent living model and the attempts to give a new central role to community ties and initiatives.

How to Cite

Zalakain, J. (2014). Tendencias y prácticas innovadoras en inclusión social. Perspectiva internacional. Lan Harremanak, (29). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.12031
Abstract 1599 | PDF (Español) Downloads 487


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