El emprendimiento social y el empleo de calidad



Published 23-01-2016
Concha Guil Marchante M.ª Socorro Montoya Sánchez


There is international interest in promoting social development projects where social enterprises have an important role in creating jobs in decent conditions (Diaz, Marcuello and Marcuello, 2012), in this sense also pronounced the European Union as a Europe 2020 strategy studies on social entrepreneurship at the beginning of this century, as was evident from the effects «disproportionately» effective social enterprises in creating jobs (Harding, 2004); However, job creation in the years of the current economic crisis have raised substantial criticism as to the quality of the generated work. In this context, the aim of this work is to determine the type of employment created through social entrepreneurship in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia in recent years arises. To do this, the notion of quality employment is analyzed according to the guidelines proposed by the International Labour Organization and the European Commission (Somavia, 2004; European Commission, 2001), and according to the criterion of quality employment, the concept is studied part-time employment from the point of regulatory and statistically, in order to limit quantitatively the value of this type of work. At the same time, the employment created by social entrepreneurship in Andalusia under review, establishing a comparative analysis by type of work: permanent, temporary and part-time. The result of job creation in recent years has been to the detriment of quality jobs, jobs have increased days reduced or very reduced impeding a sustainable level of income for many families.

How to Cite

Guil Marchante, C., & Montoya Sánchez, M. S. (2016). El emprendimiento social y el empleo de calidad. Lan Harremanak, (32). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.15409
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Panel 2