La inserción laboral de los graduados de Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos de la Universidad de Murcia



Published 23-01-2016
Isabel Barba Aragón Antonio José Carrasco Hernández José Lujan Alcaraz Alejandra Selma Penalva Mariano Meseguer de Pedro Prudencio José Riquelme Perea


The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has substantially reformed the system of university education. The university should be built around the competences that the labor market demand for graduates. Competences improve the chances of the individuals who have to find a job and be able to maintain or develop a career over time. Thus, questions arise after the implementation of the degree, on whether the training in the degree meets the demands of the labor market. To answer the question, we have chosen to analyze the employability of graduates in the labor market.

The aim of this study is to analyze the adaptation of the degree alumni in Labor Relations and Human Resources to the labor market, compared to the adaptation of the diploma alumni in Labor Relationas and the degree alumni in Work Science. In total, we selected a sample of 365 graduates for the study. All graduates have been interviewed within two years of completing their studies.

How to Cite

Barba Aragón, I., Carrasco Hernández, A. J., Lujan Alcaraz, J., Selma Penalva, A., Meseguer de Pedro, M., & Riquelme Perea, P. J. (2016). La inserción laboral de los graduados de Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos de la Universidad de Murcia. Lan Harremanak, (32).
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Panel 2